Lorie is the face of Ballantyne Reading Academy. Her background in banking, and for the last 25 years, leading staff and volunteers teaching children, makes her a great fit. Cooper is involved on the business and operational side. His background spans building and selling a family business, international software training, and 20 years of coaching and developing financial professionals. They have 2 adult children, Courtney, a former first-grade teacher, and William, a financial advisor.

Adina loves spending time with her husband, two boys, and her first-born baby (a mini golden doodle named Mickey Mantle). In her spare time, she loves to read, exercise, or just sit in the sun drinking Starbucks!

In her spare time, she loves doing floral arrangements for friends, playing her guitar, taking photos of nature, and walking her little dog Bentley! She also enjoys spending time with her adult daughter. She is very excited to be a member of the staff here at Ballantyne Reading Academy!

Karen-Ann is originally from Jamaica but has lived in Charlotte for almost 20 years. She is married and has three children, Veronica, who is studying Graphic Design at South Piedmont Community College, Ricky who is studying Computer Science at the University of Wilmington and Kimberley who is a Project Manager for Apple in San Diego. Karen-Ann’s hobbies include traveling, reading, and walking her Goldendoodle Hudson.

Special Recognition goes to Lisa Palladino. Lisa founded Ballantyne Reading Academy in 2012. She personally taught many children over the years since. Lisa decided to retire at the end of 2021 to write a new chapter in her life-story. We wish her well!
Do you have experience?
Degreed, experienced teachers and tutors with a passion for literacy and learning are always welcome to join our team!Send your resume to info@BallantyneReading.com.
Teaching reading IS rocket science.
– Louisa Moats